Enventive is very pleased to share a free download of Cetiso’s Tolerancing Handbook for mechanical design engineers.
The handbook is an excellent reference for geometric dimensioning and tolerancing (GD&T) principles and practices.
Shared with permission of Cetiso, a training and technical support organization focused on ISO Geometrical product specifications (GPS), the handbook is available in English and French.
Topics include:
- Glossary
- Fundamental Principles
- Dimensional Tolerances
- Datums and Datum Systems
- Isostatism
- Geometrical Tolerancing
- Symbols and Meanings
- Forms in Combined Zones (Common Zones)
- United Feature
- Profile Tolerancing
- Tolerance Zone Offset
- Pattern Position
- Assemblies: Screw On, Bolted, Riveted
- Maximum and Least Material
- Non-Rigid Parts
- List of Symbols and Modifiers
- Checklist for Preparing Drawings