Enventive is self-financed and employee owned
Fortune 500, 50% top 10 Auto OEM, 50% top 20 Auto 1st tier, and more
USA, Germany, Spain, Italy, India, and South Korea
Founded in 2002
We strive to exceed expectations

With Enventive, our customers have the only tolerance analysis software for determining allowable mechanical variations that meet requirements for both fit for assembly and product performance, such as forces, moments, gaps, kinematics, and deflections. Traditional tolerance analysis tools focus only on validating assembly fit and ignore product performance.
The result? With Enventive software, customers like Bosch and U-Shin speed up product development, improve product quality, reduce warranty claims, and avoid costly production disruptions to due to unexpected combinations of component variations.
Our customers include those in aeronautics, appliances, automotive, industrial equipment, energy, medical technology, defense, water treatment, automation, firearms, and power tools.
Enventive users include:

In the automotive industry, Enventive’s tolerance analysis software is strategically used by:
Example automotive use cases include those for seating mechanisms, steering systems, pedal systems, brake systems, engines, powertrains, electrical switches, door mechanisms, latches, electrical and electronic connectors, electronic control units (ECUs), and roof sliding systems.
For OEM suppliers Enventive’s tolerance analysis software is frequently used to validate that a mechanical design will robustly meet a customer’s requirements.


Enventive was born from the need of manufacturers to design for mechanical variations within their products. Mechanical designers need to determine tolerances of component geometries, dimensions, and material properties that ensure their products can be reliably assembled and meet requirements for product functionality, such as for forces, gaps, kinematics, friction, deflections, and thermal expansion. They need to make decisions that optimally balance the added costs of making parts with smaller tolerances, which lower failure rates for assembly and functionality, versus larger tolerances, which cost less to produce but can quickly lead to higher rates of expensive failures.
Enventive has met this need for over 20 years with a unique technology that merges three key areas of expertise:
- Mechanical design engineering
- Software development
- Mathematics
The development of our unique technology that is at the core of our software — a “variational constraint server” — began in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) research labs.
Our server models mechanical system design parameters (Xs) and assigns variations as tolerance values for each parameter. Built into the server is interactive visual modeling of geometric and dimensional parameters. Unlike other commercially available variational analysis software, the server can readily model many other types of design parameters including material properties such as stiffness, thermal expansion coefficients, electrical conductivity, and much more.
All design parameters are fully constrained to each other via transfer functions managed by the server’s backend math solver f(X1,..,Xk)=0. Values for functional requirements, such as for forces, gaps, and kinematics, are calculated as a function of Xs and their variations.
Failure rates for each functional requirement of interest (Ys) are immediately simulated statistically for review by a design engineer. The server enables rapid what-if analysis of failure rates versus nominal and tolerancing values of design parameters. The underlying statistics are calculated by the server’s matrix-based variational solver.
Year after year, we continuously improve our mathematical solver and user interfaces. We work closely with our global customers to create the features and tools that help mechanical design engineers more effectivity design for mechanical variation.
Enventive strives to make the complex technologies of variational computing simple to use. With our tolerance analysis software mechanical designers simplify product design workflows, shorten times to market, and optimize products for quality and costs.
Today, 100+ industrial leaders trust Enventive solutions and our constant team efforts in going the extra mile.”
At Enventive, we aren’t just selling software. We’re building partnerships.
This is more than a philosophy; it’s our business model. Our independently owned business develops solutions working side-by-side with engineering teams who give us a deep understanding of industry challenges, and allows us to maintain focus on long-term benefits for our customers.